Sunday, 27 November 2016

Comans Track @ Karekare

It's been a few weeks since we ventured out to the Wild West and a year or more since we last visited Karekare.

A spot of tramping and time in the bush was long overdue; so this morning we got up early and an hour's drive later were at the Karekare car park ready.

There was a strong westerly of 45 knots blowing in straight of the Tasman Sea so we decided against a beach walk and chose a track we had not done before.

Comans track starts at the end of Watchmans road; of off which we were surprised to find a couple of houses (or very fancy baches).

The track hugs the cliff edge for the most part offering spectacular views of Karekare beach all the way down to Whatipu.

Once around the headland, the views change to Mercer Bay.

Both feeling our ailments we decided against tagging the Mercer Bay Loop Walk on and instead returned via the Ahu Ahu Track. After his majesty of the Conman this was quite disappointing - wide easy path through bush that sloped back down to the car park.

Next time out we'll do the loop and come back down Comans - or as we have mistakenly been calling it The Conman's track.,174.479174&z=15

Monday, 26 September 2016

Vege Patch

Some of you may know that despite living in a flat for the past three and half years, we still managed to grow a few veges. Using some containers and buckets we successfully grew some Courgettes, Lettuce and Cavalo Nero. The tomatoes were less of a success. :0(.

One of the silver linings of our recent eviction is that the new place has a lovely garden. It's still a rental so we cant really go to town yet, but lasts weekend we knocked up some vege boxes. And planted the first seedlings - some more Cavalo Nero - love this stuff!

This weekend we brought a load more seedlings and set about planting them. Only for a howling wind and rain to blow through. So we quickly erected a makeshift shelter, which just made it through the night. The wind abated a little the next day but the rain was still pouring out of the sky. So we donned waterproofs and a pack of bamboo canes, cables ties and a couple of hours later we had a new and improved version.

It needed some tweaks to channel the water overflowing our neighbours gutter but other than that stood up well. It also functions very well as a greenhouse. :0)

For the curious among you; we've decided to try the Square Foot Gardening method, pioneered by one Mel Batholomew. In short you; * plant everything in raised beds that are only 6 inches deep. * plant a variety of crop as opposed to traditional "single row" planting * create your own soil, rather than use or attempt to improve what is already there * need to spend less time weeding * can easily reach all corners of the "garden" We created two patches. Neither are ideally placed as we did not want to cover the lawn. One gets more sun than the other, but both should get enough - we hope. Next weekend we be adding some more seedlings and flowers too. We also have a bunch of things growing from seed...

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

My wife is awesome!

When I first met Amanda, her diet consisted of a variety of beige food washed down with coke or Ribena - how things have changed.

She now cooks more than me and can knock up a mean stew, chilli or sweet and sour chicken. All made form scratch of course. No packets or jars used here. Her culinary exploits don't stop there however. Last night we had homemade vanilla ice cream. No ice cream maker and homemade Vanilla essence. At work today I have some natural yoghurt with some super yummy Raspberry Chia seed jam. No sugar required.

But, wait there's more. In addition to keeping us fed with Real Food, Amanda has reduced how many chemicals are in our home and used on our bodies. Thanks to her we have washing powder, washing detergent, moisturizer, deodorant and shaving cream - all homemade, using minimal common ingredients. Her most recent production is Soap.

She claims not to be creative, yet she can knock up a cool and funky shopping bag from a pillow case and tie in a jiffy. And has made both a Kindle cover, cushion covers and more for the home.

And all this it should be said, whilst doing a complete u turn in her career and working her way up from receptionist to an indispensable project administrator - a role in which she caught enough attention to be head-hunted for a move into HSE where she continues to excel - (she just needs to believe it!)

Finally she entertains me in my various follies and joins me at least once and sometimes more on whichever activity is my current passion.


Oh, and she will shortly be blogging about it all here - "Simple recipes for a natural and healthy home".

Let her know which thing you would like the recipe for first :0)


Here are some photographs (not handmade) - the Limoncello is mine :0)

Museli & Limoncello

Shaving Cream

Soap & Door Stop

Washing Powder & Moisturiser



Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Goodbye Fraedom, Hello Contracting

No, I've not been banged up and nor is that a spelling mistake!

Almost four years ago (four years!) I joined an awesome company called Spendvision; so awesome in fact that I felt compelled to blog about it.

We recently changed our name to Fraedom and adopted some new branding. The company has grown a lot since I joined, not just in size (40 odd to 130+ in Auckland alone) but also how they manage staff and develop software. As a place to work the company is even better now than when I joined.

And so it was with great difficulty that I have decided to leave Fraedom and start a new adventure - in fact this is only possible due to how much I have learnt during my time there.

So where now?

I recently started a contract with a small Auckland based start-up of just 5 people, and am helping them complete their initial prototype and then Alhpa and Beta releases. I can't really say much about what they do, but I have the opportunity to get involved in all aspects of the business, learn many new skills and be pivotal in delivering their product.

It's going to be hard work and there are virtually no perks but it's definitely exciting.

Meanwhile, I'll still be volunteering for TakeMyHands and hopefully picking up some useful insights that will help deliver my own project at some point!

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Nelson and Golden Bay

In between leaving Fraedom and starting my new contract Amanda and I jetted south to explore one of the few places in New Zealand we had yet to set foot.

Nelson is in the north of the South Island. It's known for its local arts and crafts stores and art galleries. It's also a popular base for nearby caving sites, vineyards and of course the Abel Tasman National Park.

Nelson was named in honour of the Admiral Horatio Nelson who defeated both the French and Spanish fleets at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. Many roads and public areas around the city are named after people and ships associated with that battle and Trafalgar Street is the main shopping axis of the city. Inhabitants of Nelson are referred to as Nelsonians.

We had heard only good things about Nelson from everyone we spoke to. Most people saying it was their favourite place in New Zealand and they would move there if they could. After spending just 9 days there it is hard to disagree.

Known as the sunshine capital of New Zealand (a title it regularly contests with Whatakane and Tauranga), with the exception of our day of arrival we were blessed with sunny blue skies - in fact some days were so hot we had to basher up in the shade of a local cafe; eat cheesecake and quaff coffee. Such a chore!

We had a camper van for the duration of our stay and bookended the trip with a couple of days in Nelson, staying at the gorgeous Cable Bay. Great walks and the water there was a taste of things to come; warm and clear.

When not in Nelson, we spent the majority of our time in and around Golden Bay; sampling the local craft beer, testing the coffee and surprisingly good local cafes. We also got a few good walks in and a kayak too.

We spent minimal time the tourist trap that is Kaiteriteri; we explored the Abel Tasman from the other, far less busy end. I did do a spot of mountain biking at Kaiterteri mountain bike park. Which was great; once I returned my rental bike and swapped if for one with at least a little tread on the back wheel!

Highlights have to be the beaches of the Abel Tasman - composed of really fine granite particles the beaches are golden in colour and the sand does not stick to you like normal sand. We also found some great swimming holes, so enticing that even Amanda took a dip on more than one occasion.

And finally, on our last night in Nelson, we caught some live music at a new bar called Rhythm & Brown. An awesome performance by a young Australian blues / bluegrass artist called Minnie Marks. The atmosphere and the variety of the clientele reminded us of one of our favourite venues back in Brighton: The Bees Mouth.