When I first met Amanda, her diet consisted of a variety of beige food washed down with coke or Ribena - how things have changed.
She now cooks more than me and can knock up a mean stew, chilli or sweet and sour chicken. All made form scratch of course. No packets or jars used here. Her culinary exploits don't stop there however. Last night we had homemade vanilla ice cream. No ice cream maker and homemade Vanilla essence. At work today I have some natural yoghurt with some super yummy Raspberry Chia seed jam. No sugar required.
But, wait there's more. In addition to keeping us fed with Real Food, Amanda has reduced how many chemicals are in our home and used on our bodies. Thanks to her we have washing powder, washing detergent, moisturizer, deodorant and shaving cream - all homemade, using minimal common ingredients. Her most recent production is Soap.
She claims not to be creative, yet she can knock up a cool and funky shopping bag from a pillow case and tie in a jiffy. And has made both a Kindle cover, cushion covers and more for the home.
And all this it should be said, whilst doing a complete u turn in her career and working her way up from receptionist to an indispensable project administrator - a role in which she caught enough attention to be head-hunted for a move into HSE where she continues to excel - (she just needs to believe it!)
Finally she entertains me in my various follies and joins me at least once and sometimes more on whichever activity is my current passion.
Oh, and she will shortly be blogging about it all here - "Simple recipes for a natural and healthy home".
Let her know which thing you would like the recipe for first :0)Photos
Here are some photographs (not handmade) - the Limoncello is mine :0)
Museli & Limoncello
Shaving Cream
Soap & Door Stop
Washing Powder & Moisturiser