Monday, 26 September 2016

Vege Patch

Some of you may know that despite living in a flat for the past three and half years, we still managed to grow a few veges. Using some containers and buckets we successfully grew some Courgettes, Lettuce and Cavalo Nero. The tomatoes were less of a success. :0(.

One of the silver linings of our recent eviction is that the new place has a lovely garden. It's still a rental so we cant really go to town yet, but lasts weekend we knocked up some vege boxes. And planted the first seedlings - some more Cavalo Nero - love this stuff!

This weekend we brought a load more seedlings and set about planting them. Only for a howling wind and rain to blow through. So we quickly erected a makeshift shelter, which just made it through the night. The wind abated a little the next day but the rain was still pouring out of the sky. So we donned waterproofs and a pack of bamboo canes, cables ties and a couple of hours later we had a new and improved version.

It needed some tweaks to channel the water overflowing our neighbours gutter but other than that stood up well. It also functions very well as a greenhouse. :0)

For the curious among you; we've decided to try the Square Foot Gardening method, pioneered by one Mel Batholomew. In short you; * plant everything in raised beds that are only 6 inches deep. * plant a variety of crop as opposed to traditional "single row" planting * create your own soil, rather than use or attempt to improve what is already there * need to spend less time weeding * can easily reach all corners of the "garden" We created two patches. Neither are ideally placed as we did not want to cover the lawn. One gets more sun than the other, but both should get enough - we hope. Next weekend we be adding some more seedlings and flowers too. We also have a bunch of things growing from seed...