Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Rich's Fortieth

So, I've been lucky enough to reach 40. It stills sounds and looks wrong though. But whilst it sounds old, injuries aside I don't feel my age and judging by how much I have been ID'd lately, still don't look it either. :0)

Had a great pre-birthday celebration with friends, camping, eating and surfing at the world famous Piha Beach (if you are a surfer that is). My recent forays out into the waves have proved pretty diabolical, so fourteen years after I first learnt, I decided to get some more beginner lessons. They paid of as I can now catch white water reliably. If the injuries allow me I'm hoping to crack the green water before summer is out.

After our energetic morning we relaxed in the shade where Amanda surprised me with an Irish Fruit Cake on the beach (her Mum's recipe). She got a surprise herself, however as the cake was transported in a friends car, which happens to be infested with Ants - relatively common in Auckland apparently! The industrious little buggers managed to find a way through the coolbag and the tupperware. Luckily the heavy dose of cinnamon appeared to keep them off the cake itself.

The 400 Ants were soon replaced with 40 candles, but the wind made a mockery of lighting them all. I think I only blew out about 25; so that's the age I'm sticking with :0).

On my birthday itself, the celebrations were closer to home, but involved a virtual tour of the world. Amanda, has been very busy of late and served me a dish from four different countries, each accompanied by a travel related present.

  • Breakfast - Eggs Benedict (US)
  • Lunch - Fig,& Proscuitto Pizzettas with Rocket from the garden (Italy)
  • Afternoon Tea - Scones, with cream and boysenberry Jam (UK)
  • Dinner - Lamb Rogan Josh & Rose (India)
It was all good but the pizzettas and curry were particularly good - restaurant quality! Needless to say all of it was made from scratch (with the exception of the muffins). Even the Hollandaise and the curry! As was one of my presents - one of Amanda's famous tie bags, perfect for the beach. Those who have known me a while, might recognise the design on the front!
In between all the feasting we also managed to fit in a spot of Paddleboarding and a coffee.

I'm gonna be reminded that I'm 40 a wee while yet as Amanda made this awesome poster...thankfully *most* of the pictures aren't too cringe worthy :0)

Spoiled? Just a little!