Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Boxing Day

fter the troublesome Christmas Day Turkey and repacking the suitcases countless times to ensure they were all under the weight limit we were hoping for an uneventful journey to New Zealand...We almost got one...

We were up early to beat the traffic and thankfully so. Literally minutes before departure came news of the M25 being closed in both directions - at Heathrow, Aaarggghh!

Queue some very rushed goodbyes and a panicky Amanda - are we going to fail at the first hurdle!? Quiet roads improved our disposition and lo and behold our luck was in. Just like the Red Sea, the traffic parted ( in our direction only) and we were actually first to check in. :0)

That was not the end of the worrying however. There was still 3 bags each to check in. After all the stressing and miscommunication about whether they could join us on the flight, they did.

After that it was pretty much plain sailing (flying!) all the way. Even the feared US immigration checks were easy peasy - just endless queues, the end of which was a stacked Whopper and café latte. :0)
Flights themselves were uneventful; the pilot did not get lost or try any acrobatics and even the weather was on our side with hardly any turbulence. Amanda did not eat much but made it up by getting a lot of sleep. Rich was unable to sleep much got extra food (thanks Amanda!) and got to watch some choice ( a little kiwi lingo picked up already) movies...

Crazy Heart - Jeff Bridges plays an alcoholic Country star (trailer )

Unknown - A Liam Neeson vehicle that was not quite "Taken" (trailer)

Warrior - A bit like the excellent (The Fighter) but UFC (trailer)

Amanda watched The Smurfs.

Oh and The Help, too. A bit like The Secret Life of Bees - (worth a watch)

A little tired but otherwise sound; we had arrived in New Zealand...

1 comment:

  1. glad you guys made it safely, with minimal problems. miss you! enjoy yourselves
