Thursday, 25 July 2013

South Island: Day Five

Portobello - Nugget Point - Pounawea

Sunday 17th Feb 2013

Up late today as tired feet needed another hours kip. This mornings destination is the head and the world's only mainland Albatross colony, a short trip along scenic drive. Spend some time learning Albatross related trivia in the visitors centre but decide against the rather expensive tours - particularly as the Albatross are not expected to fly until the evening.

Head outside for the views; amazing with lots of gulls around and VERY windy. Which is probably a good thing, since we are,in fact, rewarded with some views of an Albatross riding the currents.

Very distinctive in flight, it was close enough that it did not just look like a large sea gull. Even managed to get some photos.

Head back to 'The Perc' in Dunedin for lunch then set our sights on "tunnel beach". The drive there takes us out of Dunedin and along the coast through a town called Brighton. Very pretty according to my notes, with great surf pummelling pure white sand beaches.

Tunnel beach is accessed by a tunnel (duh) carved by hand though the cliff. It was made by some land owner way back when, so that his daughters could access said beach. And what a nice one it is too. Secluded with great surf. I attempt to draw the view from the cliff top - but my drawing skills are somewhat rusty and I do not do the scene justice at all.

Time is getting on and we want to make Nugget Point by 6pm to try and see some Yellow Eyed Penguins. STill on scenic drive we pass over several hills; great views but the van struggles somewhat. Thankfully the road then becomes rather flat and reminiscent of East Anglia, allowing good time to be made.

Good job too, as the last stretch of road to the point itself is very bumpy gravel - about 15Km of the stuff. We make it just before 6pm and take shelter from the howling wind in the hide.

Our reward is the sighting of a YEP standing on the beach and a short while later another 3 arriving in the surf, before waddling up the beach. It's getting cold now, but we persevere - how often do you get the chance to see penguins in the wild!?

We get to see them continue their journey hopping up the cliff face and into the bushes, where one presumes their burrows are. A short while later they emerge in a clearing and we can see them regurgitating food for the chicks - well maybe not the details, but the actions at least.

As we leave, we notice some chap standing on the cliff edge in front of the hide - and thus in plain view of the penguins. Almost walk away, but decide to say something. Not that it made much difference, he just moved around the other side. Idiot. Still, we were not the only people who he annoyed. Back at the car park a few people congratulated us for his ticking off.

With sun setting we push on home for the night. Turns out "the idiot" is behind us all the way and Amanda is worried he will be at our camp site. At the last minute the road diverged however; and judging by the state of it, we took the one less travelled.

Home for the night was Pounawea Motor Camp. A lovely little camp where e parked amongst the trees and backing onto an estuary.

Odometer: 711 Km

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