Thursday, 31 December 2015

NYE : Refrigerators and Waterfalls

We were woken up on a sunny New Year's Eve, by a phone call from Harvey Norman - our new fridge won't be delivered this morning as planned, but in the afternoon instead.

So we scoffed a quick brekkie and cuppa and then headed out west to get a quick tramp in before our afternoon delivery slot. We've been using the excellent NZ Frenzy book to plan much of our play and we had one item left in Section C (Auckland).

This tramp was in the Waitakeres very near to the small town of Huia. I always forget how winding the roads are out here - lot's of 35kmh corners- and so the 40km journey took almost an hour.

A nice little looped walking track through bush that follows a stream for part of it. At the top of the loop we took followed one of the tramping tracks that spurs of the loop. About 15 minutes of climbing up roots and stones we took another spur track and soon found ourselves overlooking a swimming hole fed by a waterfall.

A quick strip and splash and was catching my breath - it was surprisingly cold. Very refreshing though and a great way to cool down after the preceding climb.

Could not hang around too long though as we had to get back to take delivery of the fridge and pick up some NYE supplies on the way.

Got back just in time and now have a brand spanking new fridge. Our old one was 16 years old and had been turning itself off for most of 2015. All attempts to diagnose / fix it failed. Even the engineer we called out last month was flummoxed and so we made use of Harvey Norman's Boxing Day Sale to grab a bargain.

Still getting used to the bright LED light inside - oooh it's so modern :0)

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