Sunday, 1 July 2012

California Listenin'

Last night was another first for Amanda & I. With a couple of friends we headed to Holy Trinity Cathedral in Auckland's oldest suburb, Parnell. Think old colonial villas and lots of boutique shops; although as we discovered later in the night, not many drinking establishments. It is also home to one of New Zealand's most revered heritage buildings - the Auckland Museum.

However, visiting Parnell was not the first of which I speak; nay, that was listening to a live symphony orchestra. The world famous California Youth Symphony Orchestra was in town for the first NZ show of their 2012 world tour.

We recognised the names of two of the three composers but not the pieces of music. Perhaps our more cultural readers do?

The cathedral was not full, surprising given the population of Auckland and that free entry. We concluded that it must be the "really cold" temperature of 5C that was keeping everybody at home.

Thankfully did not appear to affect the sound quality at all and also made it easier to get a view of the orchestra. My personal highlight of the evening however was the encore, which you can listen to below - guess that makes me a philistine!

Despite not recognising the music and not knowing squat about orchestras it was an entertaining evening, even if the conductor's gesturing reminded me of this guy...

Finished the night off with a Kilkenny's in Parnell's only pub - an "Irish Bar".

1 comment:

  1. Heather (Canada)9 July 2012 at 14:42

    I'm still reading, please keep writing! I miss Amanda quite a bit, this makes me feel like I'm sharing her journey xxoo
